Veronica Wilkerson Johnson 96sc

Veronica Wilkerson Johnson

Veronica Wilkerson Johnson's activity stream

  • donated on ActBlue 2022-08-29 08:16:43 -0400

  • signed up on missing_phone 2021-02-06 16:43:42 -0500


    Thank you for your interest in the Ingham Co. Democratic Party.  Please provide the best and appropriate phone number for political calls from the Ingham County Dems.

    We may need to call or text you about upcoming events, when some one big rolls into town at the last minute or volunteer opportunities.  Since the call will be political, please do not provide any government phone numbers.

    By updating your information with us, we know that you are ready to help us fight for our rights and protect our community.  You taking a moment to update your records saves precious volunteer time by saving data entry and calling old phone numbers.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Brian P Jackson


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