Jeffrey Brown 15sc

Jeffrey Brown

Jeffrey Brown's activity stream

  • signed up on new_member_form 2021-06-24 19:19:26 -0400

    New Member Form

    Thank you for your interest in the Ingham Co. Democratic Party! 

    Please provide the best and appropriate phone number for political calls from the Ingham County Dems and the address that you are register to vote.


    By joining the Ingham County Democratic Party, we know that you are ready to help us fight for our rights and protect our community.  

    Per the bylaws, a voting member of the Expanded Executive Committee, you must attend two out of three meetings AND a member of the Michigan Democratic Party.   

    To join the Michigan Democratic Party, please visit


    If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Brian P Jackson

    Ingham County Democratic Party, Secretary


    Sign up